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Released: July 29, 2024

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Special message from Mark Smith! – Pelagius returns!

Hey everyone!  This is Mark Smith, Artistic Director of the Legacy Theatre in South Atlanta, and I wanted to personally invite you to a brand-new musical I created.  It’s called Pelagius, and it’s playing for only 6 shows, August 22-25.  Pelagius had its premiere in September of last year at the Legacy, and we had such an overwhelming response from our audiences, that we decided to bring it back with most of the original cast and creative team.  

Pelagius is a unique theatrical experience.  Using the words and music of Michael and Lisa Gungor and the thoughts and ideas of author, John Phillip Newell, the show invites the audience into a communal experience where they’re free to feel deeply, to question and ponder some of life’s greatest mysteries as well as be entertained with incredible music, unforgettable choreography, and top-notch design elements.  

One of the reasons I wanted to provide these Encore performances is because I feel like our world is experiencing growing pains.  Around this world, country and even in our own communities, we are looking for connection to our fellow humans.  In our social groups, churches, and sacred places, we are redefining what it means to be moved by the spirit.  We are curious about transformation that comes through a shared relationship with the Earth, as well as a return to contemplative practices such as meditation, and the raising up of the Sacred Feminine.  

Believe it or not Pelagius delves into all of this and more.  Audience members came up to me last year and told me how the show really spoke to them on different levels.  These are audience members of all faiths, non-faiths, creeds and belief systems.  The show challenges the audience in ways not typical for musical theatre, and they walk away from the experience usually having learned something about themselves and their fellow humans.  

I hope you’ll come experience Pelagius with us in just a few weeks.  We hope that these shows will be a spring-board for future productions in different venues around the country.  This time we are providing a talk-back with the audience after each show.  On Saturday and Sunday, Michael Gungor will join us as well at the talk-back.  

So if you saw Pelagius back in September, come back and experience something new.  Or why don’t you bring your friends and family?  The show definitely creates exciting conversations and insights.  Tickets are on sale now at, and I hope to see you there.  

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